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Build a strong crypto community with these 6 tricks

Build a strong crypto community with these 6 tricks

In the crypto universe, community isn’t just about engaging with social media followers – instead, it revolves around meaningful conversations. Suppose you’re planning to launch a project in the crypto market – building a community provides multiple benefits. The industry is very competitive, and the bad news is that many projects fail. To succeed, you must create an exceptional project that relies on the latest tech innovations and build a solid crypto community.

For instance, Binance is renowned for putting its community first, not to mention that the exchange also enables users to check the current bitcoin price in real-time and provides multiple cryptos for trading. A community won’t only generate demand for your project but will also offer free marketing via social media and word of mouth. Moreover, experienced members within the group can educate crypto newbies. Curious to find out how to build a crypto community? Keep reading!


Come up with a compelling story

If you’re familiar with marketing, you likely know that a story is imperative in reaching an audience. So, that’s the first thing you should focus on: creating a moving narrative for your project. You want to teach people about your values, concepts and beliefs and highlight your objectives and the benefits people will get if they join your community. Think about Bitcoin.

This asset class operates on the blockchain - a disruptive technology- and aims to give people more freedom and control over their money, ending discrimination between the rich and the poor. Bitcoin’s story is valuable because it eliminates oppression, and time has proven that this is a great marketing tactic, as many who were skeptical about Bitcoin initially have later become its ambassadors.

Choose a platform

The second step is to choose the platform where you want to build the community. While Facebook and Twitter are great, you can also consider using Telegram, as the platform is ideal for crypto enthusiasts, enabling free-flowing conversations and reducing trolls. Plus, the app has a user-friendly interface, which can benefit crypto beginners.

While it can be challenging to set up channels on Telegram, it’s a great way to share relevant and helpful information with community members.

Another idea is to create a Discord channel. While it was initially designed for online gaming, the app has become a popular communication platform connecting people with similar interests. Users can set up groups and share ideas on topics like crypto. Due to its ease of use, the app is perfect for marketing your project. Other platforms you can use include Reddit, Slack, YouTube, and Medium.

Create relevant content

Before creating content, you should identify the concerns of the community members. That will help you develop relevant posts, showing people you care about them. Make sure to be consistent with your posts because that’s how you’ll keep the community engaged. You can also consider creating social media contests, trading races, giveaways or Bounty programs. Ask members within the community what kind of content they are interested in – after all, the goal is to meet their needs. Also, be open to suggestions; that way, people will feel like their opinions matter, resulting in meaningful interactions. You can also consider creating an engaging podcast, as this is a great way to connect with your audience.

People can download and listen to podcasts whenever they want, meaning they last longer than other types of content on social media. If you need some inspiration, explore popular podcasts about crypto on iTunes. Topics may include:
  • How to invest in cryptocurrencies;
  • Recent crypto news updates;
  • Live streaming about Bitcoin or altcoins;
  • Interviews where experts share their thoughts on different crypto-related aspects.

Participate in competitions

Joining and winning competitions is a great way to grow your visibility. First, it enables you to obtain free PR, as publications will likely want to write about your project. Ultimately, that will help you expand your community. Secondly, it lends social proof to your platform. Last but not least, winning a competition shows a project is promising. Once people discover your development skills, they will likely want to join your community and be a part of it for the long term.

Hire a community manager

If you want to get the most out of your community, consider hiring a community manager who will plan and moderate events, create content and build a perfect strategy to support the growth of your project. You want to hire someone competent, so keep your standards high when choosing a manager – after all, they will take care of a significant part of your venture. The person you hire should have previous experience as a manager and be knowledgeable about the market.

Moreover, they should be organized and manage different tasks simultaneously. And this is probably a no-brainer, but you want to work with an enthusiastic person who wants to commit to growing the community. These are non-negotiable aspects you should keep in mind when looking for a manager, but you can always add more.

Collaborate with influencers

In the digital era, influencer outreach is a great marketing tool you can use. They already have a solid community, which can help you reach more people. Obviously, you need to consider some factors when looking for an influencer. After all, this person will represent your project, so you want to collaborate with someone with a good reputation and who has the right attitude towards crypto and your idea. They should also have knowledge of the market.

This is probably evident, but ensuring the influencer is not a bot is vital! Fake influencers can damage your company considerably, decreasing real user activity. Also, before agreeing on a partnership with someone, it’s essential to understand market conditions and the influencer’s recognition, as these things will help you determine market prices for different services, like creating a post or a blog. For effective compensation for the influencer’s work, consider the ROI you want to get and what you think is fair for your specific project.

The bottom line

A crypto community is a network of people sharing the same interests and values. If you put effort into creating a consistent community, your project will expand.
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